Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New York! 2008...986,985,984 just 983 to go!

This New York Trip was taken prior to my 1000 Places book was purchased.  I went with the family that I babysit for.  I'm really sad I hadn't started my book yet cause I had 2 entire days to myself that I could have seriously knocked some of the 1000 Places out, but instead I just putts around Central Park for two days.  I had no direction...no idea of where to go...and it was one billion degrees outside...and I was alone...and I just really wish I could turn back time and already had the book. Sadness!

I did manage to get three of the places.  I actually did more, but my photos aren't strategic enough to officially count. 

15. Central Park

Please don't tell Hope I posted this...she would kill me.  Remember, it was one billion degrees outside. VERY HOT!

Another photo at the Central Park Zoo, one of my fave photos!

16. Times Square

Heather didn't approve this photo either, so SHHHHHH!

I shouldn't have approved this photo of myself!!

17. New York's Best Pizza

And yes, I ate all that pizza.  I was starving. This particular pizza joint was not on the 1000 Places list, but it really was the best pizza I have ever had (except Al's Pizza in Dallas) and I was in New York.

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