Lindsay and I thought the most thrilling part of Chinatown was this lady who was just wearing a bra and jeans. I mean, it is pretty warm in Oahu and all, but wearing a bra only as your top is not standard. She was definitely abusing some major drugs. She would contort her body into these very awkward (and what looked like painful) positions and then would stay in that exact pose for a solid 5 minutes. Let's just say, Lindsay and I were totally mesmerized. This whole thing could not have been more intriguing. All I kept saying was, "Man, she is tweaking hard core." I even know what that means. Finally, Julie and Candice made us leave.
I really regret not taking a photo or video of this lady.
Me and Linds in Chinatown.
Cool photo courtesy of Candice!
Another good photo courtesy of Candice.
Still kind of amazed that you didn't take any pictures of the tweaker lady, considering how long you guys watched her, lol.