Monday, February 14, 2011

My New Look

I'm ready for a new look.  I want to look punk rock.  Right now I look like any typical 32 year old dork (even though in my mind I'm 23) and I'm ready for a change.  I have a job where it doesn't matter if I look professional or not.  Kent kinda cares but he's not the boss of me...should I really say he's not the boss of me on Valentine's Day?  Well, it's true. 

I'm gonna start by getting subtle blue hightlights.  Mark my words.  Blue is technically Kent's favorite color.

Piercings will follow along with lots of black clothing (it's slimming afterall). 

I plan to post progress pictures:) So what if I'm having some sort of 1/4 life crisis, even though some would argue it's a 1/3 life crisis...but I just ignore those people.

Punk/ I come.


  1. Blue hair and piercings? Seriously Kyle- that's so not you. Let's think about this a little more...

  2. I could see a small piercing in your nose but not the blue hair.
