Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Da Bomb!

I live in the sunny, happy, pleasant town of Niceville, FL.  I love it here.  Just 5 miles from the most beautiful white sand beach.  A short walk to the bay...and every morning I am awakened by the sound of bombs going off.  Yes, that's right, bombs.

I live near two air force bases and they own a lot of the land around my house and set off test bombs.  Or at least I guess that's what they are.  It's not something I really think about until it's early morning and my windows are rattling. 

When I first moved here it freaked me out a little, but now, well it still kinda freaks me out.  I seriously thought we were being invaded by aliens or something the first time I heard them.  As I'm writing this, they are going off in the background.

They're like music to my ears.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

1000 Places

So one of the main reasons I started this blog is to track my 1000 Places to See Before You Die.  I have a lot of catching up to do for the year 2010.  I went to Nebraska, Chicago, California, and Florida.  I'm going to add them in small segments including the pictures and stories. 

I'm gonna start with my trip to Florida where I met up with Bridgett...oh Bridgett...the things we learn about our friends when we travel with them.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hidey Ho

I've been longing, yearning, dying for some new dadgum...cotton pickin...down home new cowboy boots. 

Even though I L-O-V-E my old ones.  They're brown, worn, and beautiful.  My grandmother gave them to me when I was in college about fifteen years ago.  They have meaning and history. 

They just have one HUGE setback...they're plastic.  They squeak and it's so embarrassing.  I feel like everyone is staring and making fun of them.  I love animals and all, but cowboy boots are suppose to be made of cool things like snake skin or alligator skin or leather or maybe even cooler things like dragon skin!!! 

I don't know that I'll ever part with my old ones!  Let me rephrase that that, I'll part with them as soon as I get the new pair, but I won't part with the memory of them:)

Check out that shiny plastic look!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Uh oh

Okay, so how do you get rid of pink hair?  Photos will follow.  So maybe I'm not really all that punk after all.  Now I just look like a 32 year old dork that may have some issues. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

My New Look

I'm ready for a new look.  I want to look punk rock.  Right now I look like any typical 32 year old dork (even though in my mind I'm 23) and I'm ready for a change.  I have a job where it doesn't matter if I look professional or not.  Kent kinda cares but he's not the boss of me...should I really say he's not the boss of me on Valentine's Day?  Well, it's true. 

I'm gonna start by getting subtle blue hightlights.  Mark my words.  Blue is technically Kent's favorite color.

Piercings will follow along with lots of black clothing (it's slimming afterall). 

I plan to post progress pictures:) So what if I'm having some sort of 1/4 life crisis, even though some would argue it's a 1/3 life crisis...but I just ignore those people.

Punk/ I come.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Dreams

When most of us think of Will Ferrell, we think of a goofy looking guy dressed up in an elf suit.  Well, I have a confession to make...I cheated on Kent with Will last my dream.  This is not the first time this has happened.  I have cheated on Kent with Will before.  Kent knows.  The first time I cheated with Will, I was using him to get on Saturday Night Live.  Last night it was pure bliss.  Just for fun (sorry Kent).  In the dreams Will is just Will, not his characters.  We are all allowed a top five, right?  Well I'm announcing to the world (or really just myself because I have no followers) that Will Ferrell is on mine.

Not this Will Ferrell:

This Will Ferrell:

Cute, Right?

Don't be jealous people....Will him into your dreams like I do! haha

Okay, that was cheesey.

But really, my dreams are always extra special when he's present.