Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Happy birthday to my big sis!!! and my lttle cousin (sorry you guys always had to share the celebration...well actually, linds celebrated it for three years by herself...but anywayz!)

Lindz, I want you to know how much I love you and look up to you.  I always have looked up...well until i was about 15 years old and I grew taller than you.

But seriously, I still do!  You are my bosom buddy.  My confidant.  My soul mate...am I allowed to say that?

I know you're having trouble with the dreaded 35...just know, you have great things to look forward to...trust me.

Happy Birthday Princess!!!!!


  1. Thank you for choosing the most flattering picture of me ever! :)

  2. At least you look like bunghole too...

  3. I know! It looks like we haven't slept in a week...and we probably hadn't.
