Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Dad...and his truck!

I really love my dad for many reasons.  This is just one of the many reasons that I love him. 

Yes, that is a picture of a blemish on my dad's truck...and yes, that is a Sponge Bob bandaid that he has put on the blemish.  I love you Dad:)

Monday, May 9, 2011

California Anniversary Trip 2010

Kent and I honeymooned in Carmel, it was then that we decided we would go back every five years. On our five year anniversary we actually did.

We flew in and on the first night we went to our fave restaurant, The Wild Fox.


We went to Sonoma County.  Below is a picture of me and Kent at a winery around noon and I may have already been tipsy.

 We got to have lunch with Katrina and her kids...

Um, I may steal this child!  Look how happy I am!  I was lucky enough to get a booger flicking lesson from her older brother, Andrew, during this brunch at Cheesecake Factory.

Me and Katrina!!  Man I need some colah!

Me and Kenty on the way to Alcatraz.

Christy too.

I just had to include this. 

And this one.  I just love wind:)

Point Reyes.  This was my favorite part of the whole trip.  I felt like we were on the edge of the world, kinda cheezy, but worth mentioning and definitely worth visiting.

Pebble Beach 2005

Yes....that's the same shirt!


2005 in our hotel.

I heart stripes...

2010 in our hotel.

                            Hearst Castle was also cool.  It was beautiful!

Best fish tacos ever!!


Pebble Beach!

1st hole on Pebble Beach.

1000 Places...

32. California Mission Trail-Carmel Mission  

33.  Pacific Coast Highway & Big Sur                             

 34.  Hearst Castle

 35.  Monterey Peninsula

 36.  Pebble Beach

 37.  Carmel-by-the-Sea

38.  Point Reyes National Seashore

39.  Alcatraz Island

40.  Golden Gate Park and the Golden Gate Bridge

41.  The San Francisco Ferry Building

42.  Sonoma County

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Don't do this to yourself!

This is called the Mocha Coconut Frappuccino and it is pure evil.  I would have never ordered one, but the evil barista came around offering these cute little mini frappuccino to taste.  So I did and I've regretted ever since.  The are SO good.  I've only had one since (I ordered a grande, but I really wanted a venti).  I'm just warning you that it may be better if you never try it because then you won't know what you're missing. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

A prayer...

Dear Employment Gods,

Please let me get off of work tonight at a decent hour so I can haul ass the 3 and a half hours it take me to drive home to make it in time to Fridays before they stop serving food...just so I can have dinner with my husband...pretty please...I mean, it's just that he's so stinkin cute...


Thursday, May 5, 2011

I just don't understand...

I just don't understand how this was not enough room for her to open her door without dinging my car in the process.  Mine of course is the beautiful, glistening, white car on the left...hers is the big, ugly, blue truck on the right.  Now my beautiful car has a huge blue ding on the passenger door:(


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Anyone wanna come to Thomasville?

31. Plantation Country-Thomasville, GA

Well this answer is no.  Nobody wanted to come with me or they had other stuff going on.  So I had to go alone.  It's on my 1000 Places to See and I had really been wanting to go checkout plantation country for a while now.

I looked up places to stop on trip advisor and picked out the for sure places I wanted to go see.  There was one place that I was really looking forward to...The Sweet Grass Dairy.  It's a cheese shop and it was the first place I stopped...too bad it's closed on Mondays:(  All the cheeses looked so good from the window!!

Then I walked around all the town shops.  It really is a cute little town.  They have all sorts of great shops and diners. Warning...most of the shops are closed on Mondays.........but I didn't let that stop me.

I decided to head to the Museum of History to take a tour.  I maybe would have decided differently if I had known I would be the only one on the tour.  It was a little embarrassing.  And it was with this guy about my age who was very nice, but maybe a little strange.  There were four different houses that we would walk into and tour around.  Let's face it, it was a little creepy.  Each house had to be unlocked with a key and then had to be locked back up.  He was the kind of guy that when he gets really nervous he starts talking a lot and really fast.  Which was really great cause I got to hear all the good gossip about the families that owned the house, but he would talk so fast that I couldn''t really understand what he was saying. 

Yes, me, the weird person taking a photo of herself.

Again, taking another photo of myself in the Thomasville Rose Garden.

Me again.
...and again. See what I have to resort to when no one comes with me to these things. A whole lotta pics of my boring old self!!  Who's interested in coming on my next trip?

Just some cool old houses!

So, in the end, I knocked one off the list and learned a lot about all the Thomasville town gossip in the process.  I kinda want to go back and just listen to the tour guide talk because he really had a lot to say.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Happy birthday to my big sis!!! and my lttle cousin (sorry you guys always had to share the celebration...well actually, linds celebrated it for three years by herself...but anywayz!)

Lindz, I want you to know how much I love you and look up to you.  I always have looked up...well until i was about 15 years old and I grew taller than you.

But seriously, I still do!  You are my bosom buddy.  My confidant.  My soul I allowed to say that?

I know you're having trouble with the dreaded 35...just know, you have great things to look forward me.

Happy Birthday Princess!!!!!