Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween Whit Whit!!

Every Halloween when the scary movies start coming on television, I always laugh a little when I see this clown.  Lindsay and I pretty much forced Whitney to watch this movie when she was really little.  I don't think she's ever gotten over it.  Happy Halloween Whitney:)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dolphins or Die or Both?!

Per a certain person's request, I have removed them from the picture:)

Do I look like I'm enjoying myself in this picture?  Well I'm not.  I may be kind of smiling but it was for the sake of the photo only.  I mean, look at my hair.   Look at my body language.  I don't particularly care for swimming or being in the same bodies of water with dolphins.  This photo was taken about five years ago in the Bahamas.  I have politely declined every offer to swim with dolphins since....until now.

When the subject of swimming with dolphins was brought up for our Hawaii trip a few months ago, I immediately said no thank you.  I didn't want to be a party pooper or anything, but I didn't want to stop the others from going. I simply was not interested.  So, after two months of me consistently saying no thank you, I somehow got persuaded to go.  Thank you Natalie, revenge is all in the photo above.  

I definitely didn't like the idea of being in a pool with dolphins that were being held captive, but when I found out that the "Swimming with the Dolphins" actually consisted of me being dropped in the middle of the ocean to swim with pods of wild dolphins I felt even more uneasy about this adventure.  

The rules for getting out of the boat and into the water with the dolphins are as follows:
1. Get out of boat fast
2. Don't splash cause it scares them away
3. Don't touch or chase dolphins
4. Try not to poop your pants
5. Make sure you stay together

Friend or Foe?
How do you really know what this is when you're in the water?

So, all of a sudden, it is time for us to get in the water.  I'm kind of panicking at this boat.  The lady in charge has even said to all of us, "If you don't feel like going, then don't."  I'm relieved.  So everyone is in the water, except me.  I'm hesitating.  Then the lady who used to be on my side when she said I don't have to go is now threatening to push me in if I don't get in the I jumped into the shark infested water.  I have hesitated so much that I am now no where near the group.  Terror sets in.  That no splashing rule went out the window as I frantically tried to catch up with everyone.  By the time I caught up, the people on the boat announced that it was time to get back in the boat.....apparently it was just a test run.

Philip, Kent, and Me

Candice, David, and Lindsay

David was attacked by an octopus!!

Kent, Philip, and David

No one was hurt.  It ended up being an amazing day.  There were a few touch and go moments.  For some reason, David and I were swimming together and we could not catch up with the rest of the group.  We just kept swimming and swimming....then David starting telling me how we were the slow gazelles and we started hysterically laughing which made us swim even slower.  Luckily there were no sharks nearby.

Another lucky thing is that no one in our group got seasick thanks to Candice giving us Dramamine.  After a few drops in the water with the dolphins and getting my fair share of snorkeling in, I started staying in the boat.  I'm lucky I did cause someone on the boat with us got seasick and was puking overboard in the water where the rest of our group was snorkeling in. Haahaha, it was pretty funny too watch because no one in the water realized that they were swimming in puke.

I can truly say that it was a blast and I am so glad I went through with it.  

Monday, October 24, 2011

Haute Doggie Style!!

So I love hot dogs.  I can't help myself.  I prefer chili dogs.  My birthday meal of choice last year was chili dogs.  So, to start off the first of many blogs that I plan to post about Hawaii, the first will be about a little hot dog stand that we found out about and had to try, Hank's Haute Dog's.

It turned out to be exactly what I was hoping for.  There were many different kinds of hot dogs to choose from.  I personally tried four different kinds of hot dogs. (I didn't eat all of the four...they were split between four of us, just sayin)

From left to right, the chili dog, andouille, fat boy, and kobe.

Chili Dog: Chili, onions, cheese.
Andouille:  Served with cajun spiced mustard and grilled onions.
Fat Boy: Wrapped in bacon, deep fried and topped with lettuce, tomato, and onions.
Kobe:  Hoisin-ginger mustard, sesame napa cabbage, pickled daikon-carrot and furikake.

The weiner is....the fat boy by a land slide.  It is hard for me to choose something that doesn't have chili on it, bit the fat boy is deep fried people and DELICIOUSNESS!!!!  The kobe was second place, it was light and fresh, well as light as a hot dog can get.  I was not impressed by the chili dog and the andouille, but I feel like they didn't get a fair shot because by then my stomach was felling a little iffy.

I'm sad to say I didn't get a picture of the duck fat fries that you can get great dipping sauce with.  I tried the garlic aioli and wasabi tobiko creme.  I also ordered the truffle mac n cheese, but my stomach was way past its point to even try it.

Apparently, I missed an even better hot dog place called Pukadogs....I'll have to try that the next time I'm in Hawaii.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Update to Carole!

Okay Carole, I may have found something better than heavy whipping cream to put in my coffee...

Sunday, October 2, 2011


At least after this sad football weekend...I have a Kentarita to look forward to!

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dammit Jay!

I have a very good friend that passed last weekend.  I am very sad about this loss and I'm struggling to understand it....

With that said, I have to post a few funny stories about Jay that I have been thinking about over the last week.

The first story I have to share is kinda personal.  As many of you know, I have always had "stomach issues" and if you didn't know then I'm sorry for having to share this with you now.  I was hanging out with Jay one day a long, long time ago in high school....when suddenly it hit.  I had to find a restroom stat!  We had to haul a** back to his house for me to make it in time.  I remember that he shows me to the nearest restroom.  I reek havoc on this poor toilet.  I turn to flush.  Click....then I try was nothing.  The second wave of panic starts setting in.  I remember just freaking in this restroom.  Let's just say, I ended up taking the lid off.  Messing with some stuff and it finally flushes.

I walk out to Jay and told him how the toilet wouldn't flush...and that's when it dawns on him...Oh yeah, that toilet doesn't work.....All I had to say was "Dammit Jay, well it does now."

For some reason when I think about Jay the first thing that pops into my mind is that green car he drove around in high school.  What was it again? dodge neon or a geo prizm....Anywayz, one night Stacie decided to dance on the hood of his precious car (I think she was dancing to Right Said Fred....just for the record)  and dented his car.  I don't think he ever got over this.

Dammit Jay, I'm really gonna miss you.