Thursday, February 14, 2013

Finally #56-Cowtown's Cultural District

I finally made it to one of the 1000 Places.  It had been awhile and was a last minute decision.  I had to cancel on my dad...sorry Dad. Lindsay, Whitney, Reese, Rhett and I all trucked over to the Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo.  I figured I wouldn't be in Ft.Worth during this time of year for a very long time, so we just did it. We missed the actual rodeo because we couldn't find it, but at least it was blaring over the speakers all over the grounds. No one rightly knew how to direct us to it. (Notice my use of twang!!)  I would also like you to take note of the top left picture. I don't know who was more scared of it, me or Reesey.  The raiser of the little calf was trying to bring it closer to us, but I had to intervene and tell him that it was perfectly fine staying right where it was.

I kept asking Lindsay if my hair looked alright...she is a liar.  She should have said, "Leave it in the greasy ponytail." instead of "Yeah, it looks good."

All I have to say is...who knew Reese was such the daredevil and Whit is a total trooper.  I don't know that I could have handled the rides they went on.

Don't puke Whit Whit!!

I just love these guys:)

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