Monday, June 13, 2011

Nat's Mawmaw!

I'm really upset with Natalie's grandma.  I love coffee.  I take it with nonfat milk and splenda typically.  Well, Mawmaw offered it with heavy whipping cream and I tried it.  It was delicious!  Now, when I'm pouring crappy old nonfat milk into my coffee I know what I'm really missing...creamy, sweet, rich heavy cream...thanks a lot Carole!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pounding Grapes at the Chateau Elan:)

I really don't know where to begin or end with this story.

Beginning, there were nine girls and lots of wine.

End, one of the girls refering to the Chateau Elan as the Chateau E-shit to the director of relations.

Am I allowed to say it was a blast!?!?  Happy 30th Brandi:)  I'm looking forward to your 40th at the Chateau E-shit!

Here are my fave pics from the weekend.

My favorite quote of the weekend was "it tastes like a campfire in my mouth."

Yes she did!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Golf with Da Boys

Kent plays golf well, David less well, Philip even lesser, and I play the WORSTEST!  I still try.  I feel like eighteen holes is A LOT of time on the golf course...and even longer when there is no cart girl.  The cart girl equates to Snuffleupagus at the golf course we play at, we always hear about her...we never see her.  So, in order to get me through the 18 holes, I've resorted to packing cocktails in my golf bag.  It is very convenient living on the 9th hole, so I can pop into my house halfway through and refill the golf bag/cooler.  I swear I would buy from the cart girl if she ever showed up.

So, the first hole that Kent, David, Philip, and I play was a bad start to day.  Kent hits first and it beautifully sails where it is supposed to.  Philip goes next and it slices, hits a tree, takes a hard right, and then proceeds to hit the first house on the right.  By the time David goes, the man who lives in the house is standing in his backyard with his hands on his hips (bad idea mister) staring us down.  David swings and the ball goes straight into the same guy's house.  It was hilarious but not intentional, we really suck that bad.  The guy was a total pisser.  So, my turn, I swing, make contact with the ball and the ball bounces about 20 feet until it goes into the swampy thing and lost forever.  

I'm not going to recount all 18 holes, but I am going to say there were good times and bad.  We encountered quite a few not friendly people that live on the golf course and I want to send a little reminder to live on a golf course, your house is gonna get hit by golf balls...just sayin.

I will end at the last hole.  Kent goes, beautiful as usual.  Then Philip goes...also surprisingly a beautiful hit.  We started noticing bunnies.  There were three at first.  After David teed off, and his also was a solid hit, we were kind of thinking these might be magical bunnies.  What sealed the deal was when I went and I also sent the ball sailing beautifully.

We decided to call them Luck Bunnies.  They were cute, friendly, and furry and we love them.  There was a discussion about cutting off their feet to take with us for luck, but we refrained. 

Thank you Luck Bunnies for letting us end the day with a bang:)